Our first generation began in 1950 with Andrés Vivancos Zamora buying 35 langstroth to collect honey for the house and some friends.
In 1960 Fernando Blaya Pedrero started with the second generation and acquired 40 langstroth to continue his passion, beekeeping.
Small transhumations were already beginning to be made to the orange blossom in Murcia, the melon in Pozo Estrecho and back to the Sierra de La Olla in La Pinilla.
In 2003, he made a farm of 100 layens hives and gave it to his children so that they could continue with his passion.
The third generation begins in 2017 when we get 650 layens hives to professionalize what we like the most, beekeeping.
At present we do transhumance of these throughout the Spanish territory.
The creation of this website is a way of getting closer to new technologies apart from being a small tribute to our previous generations to commemorate their acts.